WorkSafe BC Physiotherapy

If you become injured at work, WorkSafeBC will provide coverage for physiotherapy treatment to help you recover from the injury. When you visit our clinic with a WorkSafeBC claim, please ensure you bring the following information:

  • Your personal BC health number
  • WorkSafeBC claim number
  • Date of injury
  • Contact information for your claim manager

Once you’ve received your claim number, you can book a WorkSafeBC Initial Assessment with any of our Physiotherapists. The initial assessment is covered by WorkSafe BC if the appointment is within 60 days of the injury date, regardless of whether your claim is approved or pending. If the claim is accepted, you will be approved for 15 visits or 6 calendar weeks of treatment.

The physiotherapist will discuss how your injury affects your ability to do your job, and help support your recovery to return to work.

Starting a WorkSafeBC Claim

The steps to starting a WorkSafeBC claim are found here.

Other Resources

Other healthcare providers, such as Chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopaths, may be available outside of Keystone Health. Please refer to WorkSafeBC Health Care Benefits for more details on this coverage.