run Assessments

Keystone Health’s Running Assessment program is tailored for runners of all levels seeking to optimize their performance, alleviate discomfort, or refine their technique. Whether you’re aiming to shave seconds off your race time or embarking on your first run, our assessment is designed to provide personalized guidance for an enhanced running experience.

What To Expect

When you choose Keystone Health for your Running Assessment, expect a thorough evaluation of your running technique by our experienced therapists. Using advanced video analysis technology, we’ll scrutinize key elements of your form, including posture, cadence, vertical displacement, and impact. We’ll also conduct a detailed assessment of your footwear to ensure it’s suitable for your body type, running style, and experience level. Additionally, specialized tests will be performed to evaluate your range of motion, strength, and movement patterns.
​​You will gain a thorough understanding of proper running posture, footwear and progressions in running as they relate to you. We will provide corrective exercises that will help maximize running efficiency, making you able to run further and faster with less effort. The corrective exercises will also reduce potential injuries and improve running economy.

What Our Therapists Treat

At Keystone Health, our therapists specialize in addressing the unique needs of runners, offering tailored insights and guidance, including:

  • Understanding proper running posture, footwear selection, and personalized progressions.
  • Providing targeted corrective exercises to enhance running efficiency, enabling you to cover more ground with less effort.
  • Implementing strategies to reduce the risk of injuries and improve running economy through specialized exercises and techniques.

Insurance Coverage

Our run assessments are provided by physiotherapists and are billed as physiotherapy treatments. They are covered within many extended health plans. Direct billing for many different insurance providers may be available. Be sure to check your individual plan to confirm physiotherapy coverage.

Book with one of our practitioners!

Michèle Bourgois


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Shota Ida


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Fraser Sprigings


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