Keystone Custom Training Program

Keystone Health’s Keystone Custom Training Program tailors your training regimen to enhance your performance and prevent injuries. Our program identifies inadequate movement patterns and concerns that need addressing within your training program.

What To Expect

We start with a thorough assessment of your movements, followed by dynamic testing and video analysis tailored to your sport or activity. We analyze specific movements critical to your success, then, our therapists will develop a custom training program designed to help you achieve your goals. This program includes comprehensive warm-up, corrective movements to reprogram motor control, targeted or full-body strength programs, power, speed, and agility exercises specific to your sport, flexibility routine, and recovery strategies. Frequency recommendations vary depending on your training level and goals, and cardiovascular training guidance is provided to complement your program. Expect to see results in about four weeks for beginners and longer for advanced athletes.

What Our Therapists Treat

  • Ski guides looking to be more effective in their movement through the winter season
  • Runners looking to make strength gains in the off season
  • Climbers
  • Snowboarders
  • Hockey Players
  • Cross Country Skiers

Our therapists commonly address dysfunctions such as hypomobile ankles, hip flexor tightness, and knee pain associated with skiing. The assessment includes posture analysis, movement pattern evaluation, breathing techniques assessment, and sport-specific evaluation to pinpoint hardware or software issues affecting movement coordination.

Insurance Coverage

Keystone Custome Training Programs are provided by our Athletic Therapist and Physiotherapist. These services are commonly covered within extended health plans; however, most policies do not allow for direct billing for this service. Be sure to check your plan to confirm athletic therapy and/or physiotherapy coverage and alert our staff so that we can provide the correct format of receipt for your submission.

Book with one of our practitioners!

Didié Hamel-Jolette

Manual Osteopathic Therapist, Athletic Therapist, Reconditioning and Performance Coaching

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Shota Ida


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