Workplace wellness

Keystone Health is dedicated to enhancing workplace wellness and safety. We offer a range of expert services designed to support businesses and employees in achieving optimal health and productivity. Through customized programs and strategic guidance, we help organizations create safer, healthier work environments. Trust our experienced team to provide the solutions you need for effective occupational health and safety management.

Ergonomic Assessments

Our ergonomic assessments can help optimize your teams setup for improved posture and productivity. We are happy to come to your work to assess and correct your office environment. Working outside of Revelstoke? Not a problem, we can arrange a virtual meeting to get our assessment done quickly and easily. Contact us to schedule yours today.

Early Access to Physiotherapy Program through WorkSafe BC

The Early Access to Physiotherapy Program (EAPP) offers prompt access to physiotherapy for workers who’ve sustained sprain or strain injuries at work. Employers meeting the program’s criteria can partner with our clinic to assess and treat injured workers promptly, aiding in their recovery and enabling them to remain at work.

Return to Work Services

At Keystone Health, we’re dedicated to facilitating your employee’s return to work smoothly and efficiently. Our professional and timely services will ensure your satisfaction every step of the way.

Keystone Custom Training Program

Our Keystone Custom Training Program is tailored for physically demanding jobs. Starting with a functional movement assessment, our therapists evaluate movement abilities and coordination. Based on the assessment, we design a personalized training plan to help your staff achieve their goals while mitigating injury risks. The program typically includes:
  • Comprehensive warm-up and movement preparation regimen
  • Corrective exercises for motor control enhancement
  • Tailored strength program based on your training level and work requirements
  • Power, speed, and agility exercises specific to work demands
  • Flexibility routine and recovery strategies
This program comprises a 60-minute assessment, personalized programming design, and a follow-up session to ensure proper technique and progress.

Optimal Operational Decision-Making Program

Your team’s physical health and physical resilience is not the only variable to consider for keeping them safe and ensuring effective work flow.

Teams need to be aware of their individual mental health, stress, and duress and how they affect their ability to make good decisions. It is also critical to be able to effectively check in with another person on your team and have the necessary communication tools to provide correct context as to why someone is feeling the way they are and how that is affecting their decision-making and the effects those decisions then have on their overall being and wellness.

In this day and age, asking someone how they are doing and them saying ‘good’, is not effective and can compromise a company’s safety, culture, productivity and value.

Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being of workers in various industries. It encompasses practices and procedures aimed at preventing workplace injuries, promoting employee health, and mitigating occupational hazards. As a multidisciplinary clinic, we offer a range of modalities and services that can contribute significantly to local community OHS initiatives.

We have worked with several different employers/industries to develop custom Occupational Health & Safety services and education presentations. Please reach out to discuss any specific requests or learn more about how we can help.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

‘When the shit goes down, you better be ready’
-Cypress Hill (Album: Black Sunday)

Have a question?

  Reach out to our team out to and learn more about how we can help!